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How Native Ads Defeated Banner Ads

There are two different types of ads – Native Ads and Banner Ads. For a long time, banner ads were a lot more popular. Yet, things are different today. Businesses use native ads for promotion, and the reason for that is simple – the results are pretty better!

Native ads are setting the pace for a redefined digital marketing strategy. A strategy that comes with a righteous deceit of subtly embedding ads into content and making them seem like one of the editors offerings. These days, ads, especially in banners are becoming annoying as they keep interrupting the content consumption process of the viewer and most of the time; the ads are entirely different from the subject at hand. So you could be munching a content that talks about weight loss and then an advert keeps beeping on the other side of screen, hankering for your attention to buy the most affordable solar panels in town. It’s so logical to just shun the advert and move on with trying to learn how to loose a couple of pounds and be in good shape.

Native ads are making high click-through rates daily for bloggers due to how they fit into content which is, by the way, an intentional way of going out of the norms of digital marketing that have begun losing it’s savor to a more distinct and classic style.

Banner ads are beginning to fizzle out as they’ve gradually outlived their relevance and a now a cog in the wheel of impatient content hunters. It won’t be long before traditional banner ads patrons will wail out for help as they loose financial rewards associated with their banner ads.

The perks of native ads and why they are defeating banner ads

  • They are strategically located on the content: Just like a sprinter will always crave for a bottle of water after a Marathon, same way native ads are strategically situated in contents. The ads resonate with the content and the landing page is a paid advert that the reader will find clicking an inevitable task. After the race, the vibrant sprinter can’t just sprawl his body on the floor and take a well deserved nap without a bottle of water, at least not when it’s in sight or at arms reach. Native ads are structured in like manner, they provide what the reader needs at the right time to get high.
  • Click-through-rates: So far, the intent of designing or pulling up such a spectacular marketing style hasn’t been doing badly, else we’ll be found guilty of yapping about a failed venture. Native ads aren’t void of a call to action at the end of a great copy that might be lengthy, brief or just fair enough for the audience, whereas banner adverts are just there with a very abridged version of the product intended for marketing. Native adverts will take you away from sheer oblivion about the product and immersed you into some hook, line and sinker details of the product which generates high click rates also.
  • Tailored to suit mobile users: Most of the regular banner adverts failed to include mobile devices into their scheme when they were being charted. Some mobile devices are limited in their ability to properly view these ads. If the vantage point view isn’t an issue, then its description about the brand will be so microscopic in appearance, straining the eyes to read them in futility. Native ads are immaculately included in contents and so you might even click on them before realizing it was a marketing ad. You see why the CTR’s are surging upwards?
  • They garner up more attention: Native ads are incorporated into the content; readers will spend more time on them viewing the well scribbled and engaging content till they arrive at where it demands them to take action immediately, which is usually not too much of a decision to make since satisfaction was derived from the consumed content.
  • No banner blindness in native adverts: It’s not up for an argument about the huge lacuna between mobile users and desktop users. These mobile users are always online and are used to seeing traditional banner ads which they hardly click on because they’re probably sick of it or they don’t just fancy it any longer. They are blind about the banners which is why they shun it and move to reason why they came to the web in the first place. The frontier by native adverts gets the audience glued to the contents and the adverts simultaneously.

The native advert has been predicted to account for over 74% of advert revenues in 2021. It’ll be achieving this at the expense of banner ads, which is why a shift from banner to native is imminent.

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