
How to Make Your Business Twitter Account Stand Out

Over the recent years, Twitter has solidified its role as an integral tool for any business who wants to use social media as a marketing platform.

Twitter is home to millions of businesses spanning every imaginable industry. Each one is trying to increase their reach and grow their following, and it is critical that you are able to stand out.

The Marketing Nerd How to Make Your Business Twitter Account Stand Out

The power of social media

There is no denying that social media has changed the way we communicate, whether it’s on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or a myriad of other applications. It’s a free and open medium where we can easily share, communicate, air out grievances, debate and exchange ideas.

With 2 billion out of the 7 billion people in the world using social media multiple times a day, and usage increasing daily, having a social media presence as a tool for marketing is no longer optional.

The potential of Twitter

The Marketing Nerd How to Make Your Business Twitter Account Stand Out

Statistics show that 40% of Twitter users have made a purchase based on a tweet they have seen. This alone should encourage you to make the most out of your 280-character limit.

Unlike other social media platforms, 66% of Twitter’s users are male with only 34% of female users. Majority of its users are between 35 and 65 years old. Facebook, Instagram and TikTok address a totally different age group with the majority of their users falling under the age of 35.

In Twitter, you will have the chance to influence a whole new group of possible customers.

However, because everybody has a Twitter account these days, you can easily drown out in the crowd. Randomly firing out tweets is not going to do much to promote or grow your brand. To use Twitter effectively follow these steps:

How to use Twitter Effectively

1.   Create a content strategy

The Marketing Nerd How to Make Your Business Twitter Account Stand Out

Engaging and catchy content is more likely to be retweeted. Make sure what you are posting is relevant for your targeted audience and the best way to do this is to create a strategy that satisfies your goals and the needs of your followers.

2.   Research your competition

Because everyone is on Twitter, your competition probably is too. Researching and studying your competition and what types of marketing approach they’re using will help you launch and develop your own strategy.

3.   Use hashtags

The Marketing Nerd How to Make Your Business Twitter Account Stand Out

Hashtags are searchable words or phrases that groups thousands of tweets together. Learning how to use hashtags effectively can draw attention to your brand. They are a great way to increase content visibility beyond your own followers if they are used regularly and wisely!

4.   Use visuals

Tweets with graphics, images and GIFs receive an average of 35% more retweets that those without.

5.   Interact with influencers and customers

The Marketing Nerd How to Make Your Business Twitter Account Stand Out

It is essential to interact with the right people in Twitter. Influencers or personalities whose specialties are relevant to your brand can competently help create traffic for you and give you more potential customers. But increasing your follower numbers alone will not mean anything if your audience is not engaged, you need to have a relationship with them.

The Bottomline

Like all other social media platforms, if you use it wisely, Twitter is one of the best places to increase brand awareness.

With these Twitter tips, you can increase your Twitter reach, create traffic for your brand and achieve your milestones and goals!

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