Digital Marketing Tips

Content for Different Style of Learners

Each individual on this planet sees the world uniquely. You need to understand that there are different learners in the world. Every blogger and social media marketer needs to find out which type of content would his audience like to see the most.

It is not important only to share valuable posts. If a reader does not like the style of content you use, he won’t even check the pieces of information that you share.

Type of Content

First, there are a few different styles of content that you can use

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Lists
  • Data
  • Pictures
  • Tips etc.

Each style goes with a specific type of learners. For instance, teenagers rarely like to read long-form texts. They would rather choose to watch a tutorial on YouTube.

However, ages are not the major factor you need to worry about. You will always find an exception. That’s why we need to divide learners into different groups.

Type of Learners

  • Direct Learners
  • Social Learners
  • Analysts
  • Cautious/ Indecisive

So, how to determine which style of content is perfect for each category of learners? Let’s find out together!

Direct Learners

The name of this type of learners already explains everything. This type of learners is directly looking for an answer in the content.

“How-to” articles/social media posts are usually the best choice for them. For example, if the video is too long and has a longer explanation, they will turn it off already at the beginning.

Try with a combination of textual and visual content. That is something that makes the content more interesting, and this sort of learners will definitely be satisfied.

Social Learners

Social individuals like to do everything together with other people. Social students usually call their friends to learn together with them.

When we talk about e-learning, they usually like to “visit” e-conferences. That’s why you should try with Instagram and Facebook Lives where hundreds of people are involved.

Content Analysts

You can conclude by yourself that this sort of people likes to analyze everything. Their perfect content is full of data and graphs. However, they also like to see real examples from the past or to hear tips from successful people.

Their intention is not to get the answer, but to find it. This type of learning is usually connected with self-employed, entrepreneurs and freelancers.

Cautious / Indecisive

When you try to learn something new, with no basic knowledge behind you, it is logical that you are indecisive. With this sort of learners, you need to work more. They won’t be satisfied if you only give them the answers they are looking for. You need to encourage them to move forward. Because of that, most social media influencers and bloggers include motivational quotes into their textual and visual content.

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